Mondays. Ugh.... If it's not enough to have to go BACK to work and leave the comfort of home, you have to PLAN stuff, like breakfast, lunch, and supper. What to have?
Usually on Sundays I spend some time brainstorming what "sounds good" for meals for the next week. Definitely having my blog helps because I can use the key words at the right of my blog to sort some easy ideas for things we have liked in the past.
I try to take my lunch every day. I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I have bought lunch since I started at my new job a year ago. In fact, the girls at work sometimes laugh at the stuff I bring. Some of my old standby lunches are:
corndog muffins - (oooh baby, I loves those!)
homemade frozen burritos (so quick - much better made at home)
Sometimes I'm so LAZY and all I do is take two pieces of this
bread that I keep sliced in my freezer. I toast it
and slather it in peanut butter = lunch!
I recently found another great recipe at Finding Joy in My Kitchen. SnoWhite is always loaded with great recipes and inspiration. I LOVE egg salad. I grew up eating lots of egg salad. My granny and my mom always made lunch for several people with not a lot of money. One of the ways they avoided buying lunchmeat was making egg salad or tuna salad.
I hadn't made egg salad in years when I saw SnoWhite's post here. She made her egg salad using only three yolks and all the whites from six boiled eggs, a little olive oil mayo, some greek yogurt, and some seasonings. Wow! What a great idea. It would be lots less cholesterol using only three yolks and by incorporating some yogurt instead of all mayo, that upped the healthfulness of it even more.
The egg salad I grew up eating was made with a little mustard and sweet relish so, of course, I added those to my version of SnoWhite's egg salad.
I ate my egg salad on two pieces of toasted french bread from the recipe above and it was so DELICIOUS! Definitely I will be adding egg salad to my list of lunch options that I ponder and stew over on Sunday afternoons.
Also, lots of people have backyard chickens (remember Ringo?) these days. Egg salad sandwiches would be a great way to use up some of those eggs!
Here's how I made Healthier Egg Salad AT HOME MY WAY:
Healthier Egg Salad
- 6 hard boiled eggs
- 2 T Plain Greek Yogurt (not vanilla)
- 1 T Olive Oil Mayo
- Dash of paprika
- Pinch of salt & pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon prepared mustard
- 1 or 2 teaspoons sweet relish
Boil eggs, peel and rinse. Slice the boiled eggs in half, only use three of the yolks (removing yolks from the other three eggs - I gave mine to my sweet dog, Brandy). Chop the egg whites/yolks. Add the other ingredients and stir well. Keep refrigerated.
(I halved this recipe with great success since I'm the only eater of egg salad at MY house!)
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