* Because I hate scrolling down for the recipe, my recipes are AT THE TOP - comments are at the BOTTOM below! :)) "They are mighty little peaches; sweet, juice running down your chin kind of peaches! Delicious and smell divine!" Fresh Peach Preserves Less Sugar Recipe 5 half-pint canning jars with lids/rings 4 1/2 cups peeled/chopped/pitted fresh peaches (place peaches with skins in boiling water and then in ice water and the skins loosen, just like for peeling tomatoes) 2 Tablespoons lemon juice 3 cups white/granulated sugar , measured into a separate bowl 1 box SUREJELL For Less or No Sugar Needed Recipes 1/2 tsp. butter or margarine (optional) Instructions (FOLLOW directions in order exactly or pectin won't work): Sterilize jars, lids and rings per USDA recommendations. Place peaches in boiling water and then place in ice water for...
This is how I do it AT HOME MY WAY!