Our weather is ridiculously cold! We had snow falling, snow blowing, wind howling, Little House on the Prairie cold last night. Our wood stove was cranking but still having trouble due to some sort of extraordinary Arctic blast. This morning, on the way to work it was -9 on my car temperature gauge. The radio said that our wind chills are -36. Brrrr is right! I haven't always been a huge hot chocolate drinker. I tend to drink coffee for the most part. But, last night, after a delicious supper of pot roast and potatoes, seasoned green beans, little dumplings in roast gravy, and School House Rolls , I wanted a little something sweet. Yes, I had already had honey on a School House Roll, but that wasn't cutting it. I decided to make myself a cup of hot chocolate. I may be barking up the wrong tree but every weekend another person I know gets diagnosed with the Big C and I just couldn't bring myself to open a packet of hot...
This is how I do it AT HOME MY WAY!