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Showing posts from August 22, 2011

The "Last Supper"

We moved our "baby" to college this week, two hours away from our small town to the big city (Kansas City).  It was a very busy week but I wanted to make some sort of special "last supper" for her before she left.  She's my partner in crime for trying new recipes, taking blog pictures for me, and eating just about anything I put on the table.  Her favorites are Hawaiian Chicken and Parmesan Chicken, but she was starving when I called her on my way home from work and she wanted something faster than those other two dishes.  Since I had chicken thawed in the fridge, I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes (instant for my hubby), white long grain rice and leftover pinto beans (she and I ate this instead of the potatoes), fried zucchini, and my all time favorite dessert as a little girl, which my daughter also LOVES - Puddin' and Biscuits!   When I was crying and boo-hooing over my sweet girl being so far away, I told my husband, "but now I don't have...