I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream - CUPCAKES !

Today was my older daughter's last day to work with the kids at the City Summer Camp.  She wanted to do something special for them so she decided to make these Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes.

There's not really a recipe.  Just use regular cones, and fill not quite full with cake batter.  She sat them in my broiler pan or any cake pan.  Just sit the pan in the oven with the cones all standing up.  Rebecca just used a cake mix but you could use your own homemade cake recipe if you don't want to use a mix.  Bake as the box says for cupcakes -  maybe 5 minutes longer.  I think we baked these 25 minutes.  Cool completely, and then frost and sprinkle!

That's it!

They are probably best served the day you make them.  She said the cones got a little soft from sitting overnight with cake in them and just weren't quite as crunchy as they were last night.  I bet dyeing the cupcake batter like our tye dye cupcakes would be super cute!  You could really take this idea and run with it!

What a cheap way to have a special treat for your little ones.  (We tried to find the colored cones and no stores in our little town had those.  They would be EVEN cuter!)


  1. I love this idea. I keep wanting to do it for my kids. I will have to give it a go.


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