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Showing posts from July, 2020

Potsy Garden 7-30-2020 & an Update

Potsy Garden Update 7-30-2020 & Keeping Busy  During the last few weeks of this crazy summer, I've been trying to stay busy.  For inspiration, I've been reading lots of blog posts and PINNING LOL.  Usually they inspire me with menu ideas, recipes, gardening knowledge.  I may or may not have also pinned about 10,000 ideas for rebuilding our house.  But... Doug isn't pinning and seems to be not very inspired about even making a plan for the new house.  Ah well.  What can ya say?  We are comfortable and there is no rush.  Plus, building supplies seem to be at a premium right now - so for now we will wait a little longer on that house rebuild thing. One of the blogs I have recently been enjoying is  Hickery Holler Farm Blog .  The Canned Quilter puts us all to shame as she works hard staying busy with lots of cooking, canning, baking, sewing, and gardening.  Her family is surely blessed!  I love to just...

Canning Strawberry Jam: Step-by-Step Instructions

RECIPES AT THE TOP:  CHIT-CHAT AT THE BOTTOM . (But read the step-by-step instructions completely if you are a canning beginner. Surejell requires a certain order to things for it to work.) STRAWBERRY JAM USING SUREJELL POWDER PECTIN 5 cups mashed  (stems removed) fresh strawberries (approximately 3 pounds whole strawberries made 5 cups for me; measure them mashed) 7 cups granulated sugar 1/2 Tablespoon butter/margarine (optional) (helps a little with foaming) 1 box powdered original Surejell pectin  10 (8 oz) canning jars w/ lids & rings (new lids/rings) Instructions: *Step-by-Step instructions listed in the chit-chat below - WITH LOTS OF PICTURES! Place mashed strawberries in a large pot (like for cooking chili).  Sprinkle w/ powdered pectin (only Surejell works for me.)  Stir to blend.   Measure 7 cups granulated sugar into a separate container (bowl) and have ready to go.  Don't add it yet to the strawberrie...

Start Where you Are! Saving Money on Meals - BREAKFAST

Recently I saw a post on Facebook where a young mom asked for tips on saving money on meals.  At first, I resisted to comment, knowing that some posts are intended for an inner circle of friends and not from old moms of childhood friends LOL. Later, I changed my mind.  I am passionate about saving money on meals.  I have walked this path myself when my own children were young and I am a blogger - so have lots of resources all in one place. I asked this young mom to let me know if she was interested in some frugal blog links. I told her that for me, the places to start were cooking once to eat twice and cooking from scratch.  Those two things make a huge difference rather than buying prepackaged/shortcut meals which really drain the bank account fast.  My young friend told me she works on trying to cook more scratch meals.  It occurred to me that she may think I mean she should make "from scratch" things like baking bread, rolling noodles, or ca...