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Showing posts from 2016

Banana Oatmeal Muffins - No Eggs- Frugal City!

I made these Oatmeal Banana Muffins for my breakfasts this week using some overripe bananas that were on their last leg.  I created this recipe using my No Eggs Pumpkin Bread recipe as a guide.   I wasn't sure how the recipe would turn out but I don't always have eggs so I wanted a recipefor muffins that didn't use eggs. Woo hoo!  These are great!  Perfectly moist like banana bread.  Yummy and fantastic! This recipe uses only a few ingredients; has a minimal amount of sugar in it, has oats in it, and no eggs.  How can that be a bad thing, right? Here's how I made Banana Oatmeal Muffins-No Eggs AT HOME MY WAY: Banana Oatmeal Muffins - No Eggs 1 1/4 cup flour (all purpose) 1/2 cup quick oats 1/2 cup sugar (I used white, but brown sugar would work) 1 teaspoon baking SODA 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup oil (I used olive oil.) 3 Tablespoons water 2 very overripe bananas (mashed) Instructions: Preheat ove...

LEFTOVERS - Homemade Micro Meals - Meals in Jars

In my office at work lots of people, young and old, are standing in line for the microwave!  They are often warming up those tasteless little boxed meals you find in the freezer section of the grocery store.  Eek.  There are better options out there than those things! I found a great money and time saver that gives me better food and more bang for my buck.  Also, no trash since I reuse the jars!  Another winner-winner, chicken dinner... or stir fry dinner, chili dinner, or pasta dinner... Leftovers make great frozen dinners!  Here's all you need to do it AT HOME MY WAY: Frozen Micro Meals in Jars Leftovers, such as meals with rice, pasta, chili, soups Jars with lids.  I use pint canning jars because those offer similar amounts like Lean Cuisine type dinners, but if you are a big eater, by all means use quart jars. Lids.  I keep a stash of recycled peanut butter lids which are plastic for using with freezer/fridge food.  Th...

When life gives you zucchini - make jam! Surprise Zucchini Jam - NO PECTIN NEEDED! Must-Have Garden Recipe!!

This fantastic Surprise Zucchini Jam will be a great way to use up those ever-growing zucchinis in your garden.   It turns out fantastic and uses no pectin!  Ding-ding-ding - money saver!  (Jello is lots cheaper than pectin!)   I ate mine on some bread/toast and it was amazing!  I just couldn't imagine what it would taste like??  However, I was pleasantly surprised.  Great for biscuits, toast, even over cream cheese/served with crackers as an appetizer!  It would make a fun homemade Christmas gift, too! I am making lots more varieties of this recipe.  My husband's grandma always used apricot jello. Strawberry jello is supposed to be great! Also, I thought it would be good to use pineapple jello and include some ground jalapenos for pepper jelly.  Lots of possibilities here! Since this recipe uses no Surejel/pectin, I was very skeptical. However, after a sit overnight, it was all set up.  In the fridge, it was the perfect "...

Pumpkin Bread - NO EGGS - Delicious, frugal, & VEGAN!

Need a yummy sweet bread (or muffin) to go with your morning coffee, but don't have any eggs?  I have a good one for you today! Last night I tried a recipe for an eggless pumpkin bread that was a complete SUCCESS! My niece makes mostly vegan or vegetarian dishes and I have enjoyed learning from her and making some really good food that doesn't use any animal products.  Am I a vegan?  No.  But, I have discovered that vegan dishes don't make me feel so stuffed and sluggish -and they are usually less expensive  to make!  I also love having a few vegan recipes up my sleeve for when I run out of eggs or need a meal and don't have any meat. This recipe for pumpkin bread turned out fantastic! Seems like pumpkin recipes always have increased amounts of eggs so I wasn't sure how this would turn out since it has no eggs??  But - it's perfect!   The texture is light; the crumb is fine.  It's really amazing!  I am only using this recipe...


Doug and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary this week.  You might ask, "What on earth do I care about this lady's anniversary?" LOL.   PARMESAN CHICKEN TIME! I have made Parmesan Chicken, various ways, throughout our marriage - on our anniversary.  By now, I wouldn't want to have an anniversary without my homemade Parmesan Chicken.  (Eating out is overrated LOL.)  We have lots of good memories of me successfully (and unsuccessfully) learning to make this really good meal! Funny how as time passes you learn to roll with the punches. As a newlywed with NO STOVE, I made this meal using a microwave.  Sounds gross to me now, but we loved it.  But then, at 18 and 20 years old, we didn't know much better LOL. As time passed, I made this recipe in the oven, slaving over the stove putting "love" into it as it baked and bubbled in the oven on lazy weekends at home. Next, I found myself working 30 minutes away from home. Commuting and being...

Quick Pizza Crust - Save $$ - Make Pizza at Home!

Here's how I made QUICK PIZZA CRUST At Home My Way: RECIPES AT THE TOP -CHIT CHAT AT THE BOTTOM. QUICK PIZZA CRUST 1/2 cup warm/hot water (like hot bath water) 1 packet (or 2 teaspoons) active yeast (only use one yeast packet even if doubling this recipe) 1 teaspoon sugar (optional) 1 1/2 cup All Purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons oil (I used olive oil.) INSTRUCTIONS: NOTE:  You can double this recipe if you want a thicker crust.  If you double the recipe, you still only need to use the one packet of yeast.  No need to double the yeast measurement above.  Measure very warm water in a measuring cup.  Add yeast (and sugar, if using) to the water in the measuring cup.  Stir gently.  Let the yeast do its thing for about 5 minutes.  It will get cloudy and/or form some a little foam if the yeast is working.  Now add only 1 teaspoon of oil to the water/yeast mixture.  Stir. Measure flour i...

Making Homemade Yogurt TASTE like you BOUGHT it!

For all of you yogurt purists out there - good for YOU!  I wish I was more pure in my love of plain yogurt.  For all of you who are like me and prefer your yogurt, sweet and fruity - this one is for you! Ok... I love to make homemade yogurt.  I love the idea that I'm not getting BPA in my body from the plastic container.  I love that I made it and I know what's in it.  I love that - I did it myself! But to confess - I'm not always a fan of how it tastes for breakfast.  I have this thing for those little plastic cups of fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt.  I love them!  I want my homemade to taste just like that. After much trial and error and lots of combinations - I tried making the yogurt with a packet of lime jello - Nope; I tried sweetening it and adding vanilla - Nope; I tried straining it so that it would be more like greek yogurt; Nope.  None of these things really worked for me.  Sure, drowning my yogurt in sweetened strawberri...

Old Fashioned Noodles & Tomatoes - Pantry Cooking

A friend of mine at work brought leftovers for lunch the other day.  It was a bright little bowl of macaroni and tomatoes.  I had to ask her what she had made because it looked so yummy! She told me it was a simple dish that she often made for herself when her hubby wasn't hungry for supper- "Noodles & Tomatoes". My friend lives in the boonies so that explains why she would be making this dish when eating alone instead of my temptations when eating alone (take out chinese or the golden arches-eek!) LOL.   I remembered making a similar dish a few years ago.  I'm a fan of simple dishes, the ingredients for which I would have in my pantry.  I'm also a fan of cheap, frugal food and this fits the bill on all counts. This dish is a little more complex than it seems.  It can be dressed up or down with the addition of cheese (purely optional- I prefer no cheese in mine).  You can add spices (I don't).  I like it in its purest form - pasta - ...

Refreshing and easy- Cherry Cola Jello Salad

Cherry Cola Jello Salad I made this bright and refreshing Cherry Cola Jello Salad  to go with our super bowl menu.   I had made it a very long time ago and this weekend was looking for something refreshing and not as heavy as my usual chocolate cake dessert.   My daughter and her boyfriend were in from KC and they just loved it!   I was concerned at first that the addition of cherry pie filling would make this dessert overly sweet (because I couldn't really remember much about the last time I made it other than we loved it).  Rest assured, it does not taste overly sweet.  The crushed pineapple combined with the cherry pie filling and jello gives this dessert the perfect combination of sweet and tart.  It is easy to put together and I made it the morning of our super bowl meal. I also made Homemade Whipped Cream to serve with our  Cherry Cola Jello Salad but it really isn't necessary. This dessert easily stands alone! Take it...