It's that time of year again! 'Tis the season for treat days, goody days, parties, carry-ins and guests in general. Sometimes I have lots of time to prepare snacks and treats but there are other times, that I don't have much time at all. It's nice this time of year to reassess the things you might make that are inexpensive, if you don't have a lot of money to spare, and a few things that are super quick, if you don't have much time. Yesterday, my daughter, Rebecca texted me and asked what she could make for her office carry-in meal the next day. Her department had been assigned desserts. I suggested a few things like Pumpkin Crunch Dessert, Sugar Cookie Bars (because they are delicious but cheap to make - and most generally you have everything on hand): I also suggested making brownies, Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake with Easy Chocolate Frosting (again, a very frugal, pantry ingredient, dessert) (someone was already making brownies):...
This is how I do it AT HOME MY WAY!