I'm sure I have told you many times that my husband is a seriously picky eater. I know you are NOT going to believe this, but this is one of his favorite meals! I do not remember how I got him to try it. But, we love it. I realize there are no VEGETABLES on this plate. This is my husband's ideal - white plate food (carbs). (My mother would croak. She liked a colorful plate of food. LOL.) But, I didn't have any broccoli, peppers, etc. and definitely I wasn't going to the store when I got home. Also, we had leftover corn in the fridge from Christmas dinner so that was a re-heat. The Hawaiian Chicken is a recipe I got from my sister-in-law. Its really yummy! This is how I do Hawaiian Chicken AT HOME MY WAY: Hawaiian Chicken Ingredients You Need to Make This : (6-8) Boneless, Skinless Breast Chicken Tenders (or breasts) 1 to 1 1/2 cup (app) Pancake mix, flour, biscuit mix (I had some waffle mix I was ne...
This is how I do it AT HOME MY WAY!